You are a comedian, actress and playwright, tell us a little about your background and how you got started.
MG: My parents were both respected performers in the Latino community in New York City. My dad was a comedian and producer. My mom was a dancer and actress. I’m a lousy dancer but I was always passionate about comedy and creating shows since I was a kid. At 20 I left home for San Francisco to be wild and gay and fell into a pack of queer performers. The gay comedy scene was beginning and so was solo theater. I got my foot in both doors in the 80’s and have made my way in the arts ever since.
You’ve got a one woman show ‘Not Getting Any Younger‘ at the Marsh in SF that has been extended a second time. I laughed my ass off at your show! What is the craziest thing that’s happened between you and the audience since the run began?
MG: The craziest thing that ever happened at my show this year was a 4.2 earthquake when I was ironically singing “Rock-A-Bye Baby.” I couldn’t feel it from the stage but I heard a crack and the audience got jolted. They start freaking out, talking amongst themselves and some people ran out. I thought it was because of my singing. When I realized it was an earthquake I decided to keep going because the show must go on. Not a lot of laughs that night.
Let me tell you about the most exciting thing that happened which was getting great press reviews after opening night and attracting a whole new diverse audience. I couldn’t be happier with how the show turned out. I’m thrilled that ‘Not Getting Any Younger’ just got extended at The Marsh for 7 weeks starting January 2012.
It started out as a two minute routine about how I hated being called “Ma’am” and has developed into a 90 minute comedy about mortality and vanity.
What are you doing that no one else is doing?
MG: In 90 minutes I can lower cholesterol and extend the length of female orgasm.
How do you use social marketing to your advantage?
MG: Best thing about the internet is the ability to impact people in remote areas, overseas or who are living in crappy personal circumstances. To do that I try adding fresh content to a few of my internet hangouts.
First and foremost I keep my website banging and updated. When I fall behind I’ll use my twitter account to post info on last minute shows, ticket deals or what I had for lunch. I’ll also say personal things on twitter that I won’t post anywhere else.
At is where I post videos and photos and interact with fans. No Linked-In for me, forgot my password and it’s not my style. Last but not least I’ve got loads of video clips on
What can we expect from Marga Gomez in 2012?
MG: More subversiveness and sass. I also hope to finally grow my bangs out. By Spring 2012 I aim to be selling my performance footage via my website for streaming and download.
Anything To Add?
MG: Yes. Save $5 to see “Not Getting Any Younger” by entering TWIST at online checkout under ‘Marsh Special’ discount code.