It has been twenty years since that Year of the Woman thing. No one would ever tell who she was. And they announced it in late June, so it wasn’t even a full year. At only three months into the year, I propose we name this year The Year of the Woman Legislator (YOWL).
I nominate four women for the formerly anonymous position of the Woman:
Nina Turner, Ohio State Senator, for introducing a bill that would require men to undergo psychological testing before acquiring drugs for erectile dysfunction (ED).
Janet Howell, Virginia State Senator, for a bill requiring a man to undergo a rectal exam and cardio stress testing to qualify for ED drugs.
Kelly Cassidy, Illinois State Representative, for a bill requiring men to view a video of the medical treatment of erections lasting more than four hours.
Yasmin Neal, Georgia State Representative, for a bill that would outlaw vasectomies, because to quote Monty Python, “Every sperm is sacred.â€
Each woman has said that the constituent reaction has been mostly positive and evenly divided between women and men.
The YOWL home office is soliciting your ideas for bills. We will forward them on to the appropriate legislator. Send to (Please nothing involving blood sport or references to bobbitizing.)
Kate Clinton is a faith-based, tax-paying, America-loving political humorist and family entertainer. With a career spanning almost thirty years, Kate Clinton has worked through economic booms and busts, Disneyfication and Walmartization, gay movements and gay markets, lesbian chic and queer eyes, and eight presidential inaugurals. She still believes that humor gets us through peacetime, wartime, scoundrel time and economic down times. Visit her at