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Weird Lesbian Media Mention of the Day

25 May Posted by in Robin Lowey | 3 comments
Weird Lesbian Media Mention of the Day


A friend pointed me to an amazing story from CapeCodonline. It’s about a lesbian from Massachusetts whose wife stumbled upon her long lost banana seat bike tangled in the brambles of the woods near their home in Wellfleet. As the story goes, an 11 year old Lisa Brown accidentally pitched herself and her bike into the muddy waters of the Herring river off a rickety bridge. Lisa was fine, but her brand new bike was never seen again. Unbelievably, this Spring, her wife found the bike while walking their dog a quarter mile from where Lisa fell into the river 42 years ago!

As a tomboy in grade school with my own a banana seat Schwinn Stingray, I spent all Summer cruising around my California neighborhood barefoot and shirtless. In 1970, a boy stole my bike and tossed it down a ravine full of poison oak and stinging nettles. I got my bike back, but Lisa wasn’t so lucky, until now!

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  • Kathy Cunningham says:

    So, now I wanna know what they did with the bike.

  • silvia castellanos says:

    That is weird, but what’s the story with your bike? ….you braved poison oak and stinging nettles and did you teach the boy a lesson?

  • epochalipsnow says:

    NO! I did enjoy beating up boys routinely..but I never found out who did it!