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22 Oct Posted by in Guest Writers | Comments Off on ART TO GO!

One of the best things about being a painter is being able to invite friends in the Bay Area to join me in my studio every year for Open Studios.  I have the amazing good luck to be an artist in the most beautiful city in the world that is home to thousands of us artists.  This year the building I live and work in, Developing Environments (project2) is celebrating our forty year anniversary.  I live in the oldest legal artist building in SF.  We are celebrating and exhibiting this Saturday and Sunday October 27-28, 11am to 6pm. This building has been home to so many renowned artists, painters, musicians, sound artists, set designers, animators, clowns and circus stars, photographers, etc, etc. etc.  We have several dozen artists showing this year at DE and hundreds more in the blocks surrounding us in the North Mission. There really is nothing more motivating for me than knowing thousands of people are going to be coming over – looking at our art – finished and in process – not to mention surveying what we eat, how much rent we pay, how clean and organized we are (or not – (I am).  What it does for me is to kick me into finishing the millions of paintings I am working on all at once.

I started showing with Open Studios in the late eighties and even when working with galleries always try to open up once a year.
There is something so immediate about having people come visit in the studio where we create our work and come see more of the process.  Living surrounded by dozens of other artists on a daily basis keeps the creative juices flowing.

I am showing some new work, primarily urban landscapes in my primary medium – painting.  I also have several resin coated pieces – a new material for me, and some digital prints.  I just got back some of the work from “fruit” which are coming home after a long successfully exhibition across the country.  But premiering this Open Studio is “Art to Go”. these are augmented reality pieces that culminate with a Walker limited edition Bag, made entirely in San Francisco.

Come by – would be great to see you!
Debra Walker
Developing Environments
540 Alabama Street
Oct 27-28
11am – 6pm

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