My fellow Homies, we came out in droves and re-elected Obama. Let’s not stop here. We have the power to change our lives for the better, for our children, for our students, for our ex-girlfriends. We are many in numbers. Let’s continue to go forth, kick ass and demand justice and equality for all. We need to stop fighting amongst ourselves. Hey, we all eat tacos, man. Love and revolution is the solution. Are you with me? If you are, take me out to dinner!
Monica’s play, Clock, was selected for Teatro Bravo‘s Play Reading Series. Sun Dec 2, 2PM.
Clock: When a Latina lesbian couple decide to wind their biological clocks, everyone has an opinion, even Leti, the Aztec Goddess of Fertility.
Arizona Latino Cultural Art Center, downtown Phoenix.
Book Monica Palacios  for your upcoming university and cultural events focusing on: LGBT, Chicana/Latina, Theater, Women, Gender, Performance, Race, Class, Sexuality, Vegetarian Food.