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I Read the News Today

13 Mar Posted by in Rachel Wahba | Comments Off on I Read the News Today
I Read the News Today

A wave of consciousness was spreading over the world. Choice and freedom was replacing repression.

Hamas, ISIS, and Hezbollah acknowledged Israel’s right to exist.

I breathed deeply as I read the news, there was more:

The mullahs of Iran decided to drop Islamist ideology from their platform, apologizing for the pain and suffering they caused their people. The Islamic Republic of Iran was now democratic, normalized as “Iran.” Choice now replaced oppression as all Persians were free to express their true selves. Jews are respected and encouraged to openly practice, wear kippot and magen Davids in public.

In the streets of Tehran and Shiraz, Sufis, Bahais, Jews, Muslims, and LGBT communities were dancing with each other in the streets. Pastel colored sugar coated almonds sweetened the joy.

Sexual minorities were encouraged to be openly gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender all over the Middle East and North Africa. Women were no longer mandated to be subject to men, and the hijab was no longer mandatory.

 Fear and loathing would soon be an unthinkable relic of the past.

All schools in the Middle East and North Africa were scrapping their anti-Semitic Israel-hating textbooks for enlightened education. A standard was being set like never before in the schools and in the streets.

Women in Afganistan were burning their burkas in festive bonfires as their as men cheered and sprayed rosewater on each other.

Every country in the world gave up misogyny. Just like that. Consciousness spread like a light unto nations.

The children of the Gaza strip would no longer be used for human shields, there would no longer be a need to influence public opinion against Israel. The old Palestinian “refugee camps” designed as human ammunition against Israel were a thing of the past. Peace was no longer a fool’s dream.

Girls and women found their way home to welcoming family and community in Nigeria, as Boko Haram militants put down their gun and paid for Healing Centers all over the region.

The world was liberating itself!

Oil rich nations couldn’t wait to pay reparations for Iraq and Syria and Egypt and Libya’s Jews who were pauperized and kicked out of their native lands in the 1950’s.

Syria promised to rebuild and begin the process of healing and caring and housing with the combined efforts of the entire world.

As women applied for driving licenses in its cities, Saudi Arabia was sending food and medicine into the Sudan, promising to end the suffering.

And so it went, every major paper in the world testified to how the Middle East and North Africa were no longer cauldrons of hate.

Ester and Mordechai were sanctified by the Pope as “Jewish saints,” and decreed that gays and lesbians could enter the priesthood.

As I took it all in, I noticed feeling different. All my childhood baggage of being a stateless Jew, all the pain and suffering of my people from Baghdad to Berlin, eased. My neck and shoulders felt relaxed for the first time I could remember, my heart was light, my mind opened to the wonder of being alive without fear. Inshallah, I heard my father say, Inshallah.


I could look up my old friend Ibrahim who for sure no longer had to hate Israel, listen to radio stations that used to be poisoned by anti-Zionism, and reconnect with friends who were once infected by anti-Israel propaganda. All this was a rush I could barely contain!

And, I could stop blogging about anti-Semitism, misogyny, homophobia and Islamist agendas.

Wow! Happy Purim!


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