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Michelle Meow: LGBTQI’s Will Lead the Way

01 May Posted by in Robin Lowey | Comments Off on Michelle Meow: LGBTQI’s Will Lead the Way
Michelle Meow: LGBTQI’s Will Lead the Way

I’m super blown away to be a part of Lesbian Game Changers, names I’ve long respected and have admired. Thank you to all of you who for years have kept me dancing, reading, writing, interviewing, and fighting.

Since 2017, I’ve been waking up everyday under this administration thinking the world would come to end. In some ways, one could look at this pandemic as if that nightmare came true, but seeing and hearing humans come together in this way has woken me up to the meaning of life.

I’ve heard this from many of you on this list:

“Being an out and proud Dyke is the resistance.”

“Democracy is a life-long fight.”

“There’s an activist in all LGBTQI people.”

These are just some statements that come to mind of how strong and resilient of a community we are, and how much we are contributing to save other human beings through this crisis despite the lack of leadership. It’s this strength in our compassion I feel most lucky to have. It’s been rewarding to connect with people in our most vulnerable state- whether powerful people or everyday people, the barriers that once seemed to separate myself from a complete stranger seem easier to get through.

Suddenly, all is forgivable. Anger is short lived. Intimacy is expanded. Love is limitless.

Every effort to get through this will result in a compassionate future. That is what I’m hoping for and what I’m experiencing. The best part is that in my eyes at least, I see LGBTQI people leading that new world because we’ve lived and experienced the hard fought battles for this reset.

Sending you all love and gratitude from this humble mind.

Michelle Meow


GIVING TUESDAY IS MAY 5! Help us fund our Online Video Series project! High school kids need to hear our stories now more than ever. We will send you a signed copy of Game Changers- Lesbians you Should Know About for your tax deductible donation of $25 or more! Please visit us at

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