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Lesbian Game Changers’ 1st Film Goes Live!

14 Sep Posted by in Robin Lowey | Comments Off on Lesbian Game Changers’ 1st Film Goes Live!
Lesbian Game Changers’ 1st Film Goes Live!

After creating Game Changers and donating books to every public high school in the San Francisco Bay Area—reaching more that 300,000 students in over 300 public high schools in the San Francisco Bay Area—I had a new idea.

Teaming up with filmmaker Eliza Karlson of Karlson Studio, I have begun work on a 12-part short-film series as a supplement to the book. These films will be a free resource for students to learn about some of the women in the book as well as additional heroes. Check out our first film below, featuring lawyer/activist Kate Kendell.

When I volunteered for the LGBTQ Speaker’s Bureau and began going into local high schools to help dispel myths about LGBTQ people—that’s when I began to really see first-hand how more education was really needed. Later after I wrote the book, I was invited into local high schools as a guest lecturer, where I received a lot of positive feedback from educators and students. One time a girl came up to me in tears, saying she couldn’t believe I was really in her classroom, and how she felt validated by the book. I started thinking about how I could do more.

That’s when I came up with the idea for the short film series. I applied and received grant funding to begin the project. The second two films are currently are in the works. They feature Olga Talamante and Michele Meow, each telling their story with fun graphics and timelines. We are excited to add nine more women into the mix, some in the book as well as some new faces.

The Lesbian Game Changers Project’s mission is to educate young adults by providing schools with valuable resource books and films that help fill the gap in education about lesbian history and foster an atmosphere of LGBTQ+ visibility, inclusion, acceptance and pride.

Find out more about the film project and how to get a book at



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