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Please Don’t Touch The Art!

28 Aug Posted by in Robin Lowey | Comments Off on Please Don’t Touch The Art!
Please Don’t Touch The Art!

I dropped into the Arc Gallery on Folsom St. in San Francisco the other night to see a new art exhibition entitled FourSquared. After I grabbed some snacks and a drink, my friends and I began mingling with the crowd. I met all kinds of interesting people and spoke with some of the artists about their technique and methodology.

Eventually I wandered over to Lucky’s corner. I had seen some of Lucky’s work before, but had never met her. I don’t know about you, but when I see 3 dimensional art that intrigues me, I have to restrain myself from touching it. But this was different. She said “go ahead, touch it”. And with that, I was instantly taken with Lucky, and drawn into the experience of “Color Blind”.

Lucky’s new work ‘Color Blind’ like much of her art, uses a methodology that incorporates layers of resin, paint, and acrylic forms to create texture and depth that produce a sculptural reflective quality. She often uses letterforms and language as graphic elements but in this case her use of text takes a different turn.

In Lucky’s words: “‘Color Blind’ (2019), translates sight to touch through the use of braille and examines the tension of feeling rather than seeing color. Being color blind challenges my own ability to see and define color. Altering the traditional art world rules, similar to my ‘Braille’ (2018) series, ‘Color Blind’ encourages individuals to interact with the artworks differently and reconsider how we experience art, color, and language through touch, instead of sight.”

Curated by Arc Gallery partner, Michael Yochum, the exhibition features sixteen artists each showing sixteen small works, presented in sixteen clusters giving the audience the experience of sixteen micro solo exhibitions. For Arc’s 10th Anniversary, they have assembled sixteen of the most successful artists from previous FourSquared exhibitions, their All-Stars. All works are priced under $600. This exhibition is a reflection of the curator’s strong and abiding interest in local, affordable art.

Lucky Rapp in front of “Color Blind” at Arc Gallery with Philip Bewley, DZINE Gallery Curator

Go see FourSquared at the Arc Gallery before it ends on September 28. All 16 artists were worth checking out. I found the work of Lucky Rapp, Toru Sugita, and Carol Jessen especially compelling.

Saturday, September 28, 2019
Light Brunch: 12pm
Artist Talk: 12:30pm

Through September 28, 2019

Arc Gallery
1246 Folsom Street
San Francisco, CA 94103

Other current exhibitions showing Lucky’s work in San Francisco include:


Through September 30, 2019

Art House
228 Townsend Street


Through November 3, 2019

128 Utah Street

Upcoming benefit:


Saturday, October 19, 2019 (5:30pm – 9:30pm)

601 Townsend St.
Get tickets

Lucky’s work can be found in Michelin Chef Dominique Crenn’s restaurants (Atelier Crenn, Petit Crenn and Bar Crenn), as well as numerous private and corporate collections.

In the midst of the hard contrast of everyday life interpreted in black and white, deep underneath it all, always lies something even when it appears at first glance to be nothing at all. As an artist I find hard contrast interesting. What appears obvious for one may not be for another, and often it’s the process of understanding the layers that reveal the differences. – Lucky Rapp

Find out more about Lucky at and follow her on Instagram @ Lucky_rapp.

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