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Queers in Quarantine: Kathy Wolfe

24 Apr Posted by in Robin Lowey | Comments Off on Queers in Quarantine: Kathy Wolfe
Queers in Quarantine: Kathy Wolfe

I asked the women from my book GAME CHANGERS – Lesbians You Should Know About to talk about how they are passing the time in quarantine. This is what I received from Kathy Wolfe:

“Barbara and I are making sure we have separate time to just do our own thing. Barbara loves to read and I’ve taken on a 1000 piece jig saw puzzle. Beyond that, we are planning an event for two on the next sunny day. We are celebrating our love of Hawaii with a date. Including Hawaiian food, shirts, maybe a Mai Tai, and even a little interpretive hula for laughs. Don’t forget the fresh flowers. They are such a bargain now and make everything more cheerful.”

Kathy Wolfe is founder of Wolfe Video, the largest exclusive distributor of LGBTQ films, also the streaming platform Wolfe supplies movies to all major outlets: Amazon, Netflix, iTunes, Hulu, and Showtime, among others. Kathy is CEO of the website, a site dedicated to lesbians and their interests. She has been honored by the National Organization for Women with the Excellence in Media Award, by Forbes magazine as an “Up and Comer,” by The Advocate as a “Hollywood Star Player,” and by The San Francisco International LGBT Film Festival with the  Frameline Award. Additional honors: the Philadelphia Cinema Alliance’s Barbara Gittings Award, the National Center for Lesbian Rights Community Partner Award, San Francisco Board of Supervisors’ Certificate of Honor, and the Sarah Dwyer WIA Board of Directors’ Award. Website:

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