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Out Female Rapper – Young Kaii

15 Oct Posted by in Robin Lowey | Comments Off on Out Female Rapper – Young Kaii
Out Female Rapper – Young Kaii

I first learned about Young Kaii (formerly K Star) when I was driving home from the Rock the Bells Rap Festival last year with my son and two of his friends in tow.  One of the friends, a 14 year old girl, was telling me about a rapper “boy” who she thought was really good and kind of cute, who turned out to actually be a girl!  She said she was surprised, but unfazed, and she still likes Young Kaii.

I was thumbing through the Boston Pride Guide when I was visiting in June and saw she was performing there. So Young Kaii continued to intrigue me but after she was named the LGBT Community’s Artist of the Year, I had to stop and take notice.  This kid is amazing!

Check out this excerpt her bio from Reverb Nation and below see her video “Hey Pretty Lady”.

Born in 1987, Young Kaii, is a talented female rapper who fell in love with hip hop at a very young age. Writing her first verse at fourteen, Kaii discovered rapping and writing as a way for her to release the stress of a not-so-perfect home environment. Using her life experiences as a driving force, she began to turn the negativity of having hustling brothers and poverty stricken parents into lyrical masterpieces, which are found on her reputation-making mix-tapes.  Soon after Young Kaii released a series of mixtapes including “The Gossip Volume 1,”. Which has created a huge buzz not only in her hometown but in places like New York, Miami as well as her parents’ home of the Dominican Republic.
In her home city of Providence, RI, Young Kaii has continued to work diligently to gain respect and popularity as a known voice in female rap. Her versatility stems not only with her ability to produce punch line after punch line, but also from her hunger for success, and willingness to push the envelope. She has achieved greater notoriety in her ability to reinvent herself.  For Young Kaii, there are no limits!

Read more about Young Kaii on Queer Me Up

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