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Jewelle Gomez  // Posts published by Jewelle Gomez

28 May Posted by in Jewelle Gomez | Comments Off on Cuddling in Place with My Wife

Cuddling in Place with My Wife

Cuddling in Place with My Wife

After dinner when you look at each other and wonder: what shall we do tonight? That Jewish holiday question: ‘Why is tonight different from other nights?’ unfortunately now gets answered with: It ain’t!


13 Nov Posted by in Jewelle Gomez | Comments Off on The Best Looking Woman

The Best Looking Woman

The Best Looking Woman

I’m thinking about good looks. I mean what is good looking? What looks good to whom? How do we know when we look good? Who do we look good to?


29 Jul Posted by in Jewelle Gomez | Comments Off on Resting Bitch Face is Sexy

Resting Bitch Face is Sexy

Resting Bitch Face is Sexy

Many women, when their faces are at rest…have a look that many, especially men, find unpleasant.


17 Apr Posted by in Jewelle Gomez | Comments Off on Revolution is Not a One Time Event

Revolution is Not a One Time Event

Revolution is Not a One Time Event

As a lesbian feminist at aged 70 I’ve been at or near the front lines since I was 16 years old; and I haven’t stopped since then...


23 Dec Posted by in Jewelle Gomez | Comments Off on Gratitude and Movies

Gratitude and Movies

Gratitude and Movies

Oh no, it’s one of those end of the year letters that people send because they think their friends are interested in what award they got or how many National Parks they’ve visited; or how many cats they have! (Two, 25 pounds each) And you feel like you have to read them because what kind […]


16 Apr Posted by in Jewelle Gomez | 1 comment

It’s Time to Plot Against the Proud Boys!

It’s Time to Plot Against the Proud Boys!

We have one thing that they don’t: pure joy. It’s time to be plotting. It’s time to be relentless. It’s time to fire up our love. And this time it’s got to be tough love. Beware the Proud Boys, Aryan Nation, Alt-Right, Holocaust Questioners and all the White Guys who feel disenfranchised For the first […]


17 Dec Posted by in Jewelle Gomez | 2 comments

Witches Unite!

Witches Unite!

In the early 1990s I finally bought my own car, a twenty year old Volkswagen that was in pretty good condition. But like every ‘pre-owned’ car it sometimes needed professional attention. That meant I had to enter the minefield known as the garage. I was happy when a friend recommended one nearby in my Brooklyn […]


27 May Posted by in Jewelle Gomez | Comments Off on Dangerous Times Require ‘Radical Hope’

Dangerous Times Require ‘Radical Hope’

Dangerous Times Require ‘Radical Hope’

Almost immediately after the election—which I’ve come to think of as the Zombie Apocalypse—I received an email from novelist Carolina De Robertis. She was inviting authors of all types to write essays (in the form of letters) which would be part of an anthology called Radical Hope: Letters of Love and Dissent in Dangerous Times. […]


02 Aug Posted by in Jewelle Gomez | Comments Off on LGBT History and The City of Brotherly Love

LGBT History and The City of Brotherly Love

LGBT History and The City of Brotherly Love

When GILDA, Diane and I pulled into Philadelphia, a city I’d visited regularly in the 1980s, it was like coming home. (Fortunately this was weeks ahead of the Democratic National Convention!) We stayed in a lovely B & B, The Alexander Inn, on Spruce St; just around the corner from the store where I was reading: […]


23 Jun Posted by in Jewelle Gomez | 1 comment

On the Road with THE GILDA STORIES

On the Road with THE GILDA STORIES

Of all the southern cities Atlanta is the one I’ve visited most.  It’s got wonderful universities, peaches and Coca Cola (I know, not correct but it’s been my fave since I was a kid!).  I attended the very first conference on Black Speculative Fiction writers at Clark Atlanta University more than a decade ago and […]