August is when the Leo part of us is the star. The lunar cycle begins July 23 when the Sun and Moon rendezvous in Leo, peaking August 7th when the Sun in Leo is challenged by the Moon’s opposition in Aquarius. Leo requires adoration. Aquarius is the “freedom fighter,†the revolutionary, an inundator, and eccentric, […]
Cancer is about home, family, and nurturing. In July, it usually rules the lunar cycle, beginning with the New Moon when the Sun and Moon meet for their semi-Annual date, and peaking at the Full Moon in Capricorn when the Moon opposes the Cancer Sun. The Cancer energy rules the home fires, with family being […]
The New Moon is June 23rd at 3 degrees Cancer. This is the cycle of Cancer, about home, family, and nurturing, not only for others, but for ourselves. The New Moon occurs just a few days after the solstice, June 20th, a major turning point in the wheel of the year. This New Moon is […]
The June influences begin with the New Moon in Gemini on May 25th. Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury. So, this cycle is about communication. A little before the meeting of the Sun and Moon, social Venus in Aries squares Pluto, planet of transformation, in Capricorn, bringing up relationship issues, especially those involving finances […]
The New Moon in April occured just before dawn on Wednesday, April 26th. As the Sun and Moon meet in Taurus. Mercury, planet of communication, and Uranus planet of invention, both in Aries, are close by degree to the meeting, bringing exciting possibilities for this lunar cycle, and encouraging innovative solutions. Taurus is considered the […]
There are two main themes with a month, a Full Moon and a New Moon. The Full Moon is when the Sun and Moon are exact in opposite signs. During Aries, the Full Moon is in Libra, and is exact Monday night, April 10th. This polarity is always about relationships. This is the time when […]
The New Moon represents the Sun and Moon being at the same degree in the same sign. It begins a new lunar cycle for the next approximate 28 days. This New Moon, Monday, March 27th is in Aries, ushering in the spring. Aries is about energy and activity. As there are now four planets in […]
Hang on, it's going to be a wild ride!
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