You are a comedian, actress and playwright, tell us a little about your background and how you got started. MG: My parents were both respected performers in the Latino community in New York City. My dad was a comedian and producer. My mom was a dancer and actress. I’m a lousy dancer but I was […]
Why do Gays and Lesbians love Halloween? We just do. It’s the one time of year that cross-dressing is enjoyed by all. Lesbian poet and scholar Judy Grahn, calls Halloween “the great gay holiday.” I love dressing up, jack-o-lanterns, skeletons and the whole spooky deal. I hope I never grow out of the thrill of […]
I first learned about Young Kaii (formerly K Star) when I was driving home from the Rock the Bells Rap Festival last year with my son and two of his friends in tow. One of the friends, a 14 year old girl, was telling me about a rapper “boy†who she thought was really good […]
FROM THE ARCHIVES: National Coming Out Day is over this year, but homophobia is still ongoing. This week a 13-year-old kid hung himself in the schoolyard at the same middle school that I attended. I remember my days in 8th grade there and how I desperately tried to pretend that I was NOT achingly in […]
I spent a lifetime with one woman and we enjoyed many wonderful years together. We have a beautiful family, so the shame of splitting was more than just about her leaving me, it meant I had failed my kids. But over time I came to realize that it was nobody’s fault. It just had to […]
From the Archives: Last month I was feeling a little down and impulsively booked a trip with my grown son for a week in Mexico. Running off is one of my favorite ways of coping with the devastation of the break-up of my relationship of 27 years. Max was on summer break from San Diego […]
Meredith Baxter is best known for her role as Alyse Keaton, where she played a strong female lead in a popular sitcom at a time where there weren’t many.  Of course I originally fell in love with her on Bridget Loves Bernie, and always noticed her in The Partridge family or Love Boat episodes, and ah […]
If you are looking for something amazing to do this summer, don’t miss the series of benefit concerts sponsored by Sweet in Calistoga. I went to the first one with the Battle Axe (Eleanor Palacios) on June 11 and we helped raise money for NCLR while enjoying a special private concert by Edie Carey, and […]
Is there anything in your life that you thought, “I’d like to do that,” or “That’s a dream of mine,”? It seems that there are two choices: 1) you do it, or 2) you don’t. Pretty simple. Leta Sharpe came to that crossroads, as many of us do. Leta is a 42 year old single […]
Last week I attended my niece’s graduation from Rhode Island School of Design in Providence, RI. I’ve been a graphic designer for over 30 years and this crop of graduates filled me with excitement about a new generation of talented artists, photographers and designers. I’m thrilled that my darling niece will follow in my footsteps […]
Hang on, it's going to be a wild ride!
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