National Coming Out Day is over this year, but homophobia is still ongoing. This week a 13-year-old kid hung himself in the schoolyard at the same middle school that I attended. I remember my days in 8th grade there and how I desperately tried to pretend that I was NOT achingly in love with my […]
I was the most unlikely woman to bear a child that I’ve ever heard of.When I grew up in the 60’s as a rough-and-tumble tomboy, I used to fantasize that I still had a choice as to whether I would grow up to be male or female. I was sure that if I ended up […]
Actually, not really, but the Spam I’ve been receiving lately at Epochalips might suggest otherwise. Epochalips is kicking ass out there, none-the-less. We’ve grown by leaps and bounds in the past 2 months, since we launched at SF Pride in June. Thanks for all your support and stay tuned for our LAUNCH PARTY in a […]
Ahhh….Sharon Gless, my HERO! Sharon is nominated for an Emmy award for her role as Michaels’ fiery tempered mother Madeline on USA’s Burn Notice. I have been IN LOVE with Sharon since the Cagney and Lacey days. I was sure she was a dyke and a real alcoholic in recovery (just like Christine Cagney), so […]
‘When we are in transformative process, we can allow the tears to flow without self-judgement. We are willing to be present to ourselves for as long as it takes, and as messy as it gets.†Ernest Holmes said it well, and I try my best to believe it, every day. Lately, I think I’ve turned […]
Last month I was feeling a little down and impulsively booked a trip with my grown son for a week in Mexico. Running off is one of my favorite ways of coping with the devastation of the break-up of my relationship of 27 years. Max was on summer break from San Diego State and wasn’t […]
This is the day I’ve been waiting for. This is the day I’ve been working toward. This day is the culmination of all I’ve ever done, said, thought, dreamed of, hoped for and planned. It is here, it is real, and it is mine now. It’s not exactly like I might have imagined, yet in […]
Ever had a friend who was with you through thick and thin, taught you important things, exasperated you, but led you through each stage of life feeling like you were running to catch up? Well I had that with Lynnly Labovitz. The other day was her birthday and I woke up thinking I should try […]
Hang on, it's going to be a wild ride!
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