From my very first Epochalips post in June 2010: “This is the day I’ve been waiting for. This is the day I’ve been working toward. This day is the culmination of all I’ve ever done, said, thought, dreamed of, hoped for and planned. It is here, it is real, and it is mine now. It’s […]
In Col. Grethe Cammermeyer’s own words: If you saw the film, SERVING IN SILENCE, you know about my challenge of the military’s anti-gay policy prior to the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell law of 1993. If you read my autobiography, also entitled, SERVING IN SILENCE, written with Chris Fisher, and published in 1994 you “got the […]
After the breakup of a long term relationship, Margery Kreitman finds herself addicted to Facebook. Kicking Facebook is her serio-comic monologue that tells the story of her love/hate relationship with social media. Here is what Margery told us about her show: WHY I WROTE THIS PIECE I wanted to do this piece because so much of my life and the lives […]
The Golden Crown Literary Society’s (GCLS) annual conference is the premier lesbian literary event for both authors and readers. In a different city each year, the event brings together readers, fans, writers, editors and publishers to celebrate the best in lesbian literature. This year, the event will be held in Alexandria, VA (near Washington D.C.) […]
On October 15, 2016, women from all over the planet will converge on Provincetown with a singular intention – to marry at Bride Pride, a group wedding scheduled during Provincetown’s legendary Women’s Week, now in its 32nd year. According to Allison Baldwin and Ilene Mitnick, Bride Pride organizers and owners of the award-winning Roux Bed […]
I first met Hawaiian artist Shannon McCarthy at an LGBT meeting at a conference in Honolulu in 2013. Over 25 years my junior, she offered to take me (and my giant rented surfboard) to her favorite surf spot and quickly won me over with her quirky sense of humor and artist/activist mentality. Last month, while […]
I caught up with Beth Shipp, LPAC Executive Director and this is what she had to say to our Epochalips community: “Building lesbian political power in any election cycle is important. Building lesbian political power in any election cycle is important. Building it this year to support Hillary Clinton’s historic run for the White House […]
Antigone Rising released a brand new music video for their song Everywhere is Home from the popular lesbian mob comedy feature film Alto, a quirky love story set in the midst of an unanticipated run-in with the NY mafia. It stars Diana DeGarmo, Natalie Knepp, David Valcin, Lou Martini, Jr., Melanie Minichino, and AR’s own […]
Debut author Vanda brings to you the hidden-in-plain-sight lives of gay men and lesbians in 1940s New York. It’s 1941 and Alice Huffman, “Al,” comes from the potato fields of Long Island with her childhood friends to make it on the Broadway stage, only to find she has no talent. On the kids’ first day […]
When AP political reporter Lorena Hickok—Hick—is assigned to cover Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt, the wife of the 1932 Democratic presidential candidate, the two women become deeply, intimately involved. Their relationship begins with mutual romantic passion, matures through stormy periods of enforced separation and competing interests, and warms into an enduring, encompassing friendship that ends only […]
Hang on, it's going to be a wild ride!
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