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Eleanor Palacios  // Tastin’ and a Tellin’ by Eleanor Palacios, Events Manager at National Center for Lesbian Rights

Ask a Battle Axe #2

Ask a Battle Axe #2

In my 61 years I have learned many things and as a wise Latina, I will share with you some good old-fashioned common sense. Please send your Battle Axe questions to Dear Battle Axe, I recently met a woman 20 years my junior and I am having a ball, my friends think I’m crazy […]


Ask a Battle Axe #1

Ask a Battle Axe #1

In my 61 years I have learned many things and have some good old fashioned common sense. With that in mind, (being a wise Latina,) I thought I could offer some advice to others and possibly save them some time and trouble and maybe even money. Dear Battleaxe, I’ve recently met someone who I think […]