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Kate Clinton  // Kate Clinton is a faith-based, tax-paying, America-loving political humorist and family entertainer. With a career spanning almost thirty years, Kate Clinton has worked through economic booms and busts, Disneyfication and Walmartization, gay movements and gay markets, lesbian chic and queer eyes, and eight presidential inaugurals. She still believes that humor gets us through peacetime, wartime, scoundrel time and economic down times.

28 Jan Posted by in Kate Clinton | Comments Off on Kate is Baaaaack!

Kate is Baaaaack!

Kate is Baaaaack!

Kate Clinton is a faith-based, tax-paying, America-loving political humorist and family entertainer. With a career spanning thirty-six years, Kate is at the top of her game, ready to stand up to the mic and bon mot her way through presidential campaigns, LGBTQ movements in transition, sports, religion in extremis, media in rigor mortis. For info […]


20 Feb Posted by in Kate Clinton | Comments Off on Mean People Still Suck

Mean People Still Suck

Mean People Still Suck

Once when I had been brought up short by lurid graffiti freshly scratched on a new bathhouse on Cape Hatteras, an old, sand-blasted woman came up behind me, looked for a minute, shook her head and sighed, “How kin people be so mean?” As Congress cut food stamps and debated extending unemployment insurance, I found […]


28 Dec Posted by in Kate Clinton | Comments Off on Soft Shoulder Ahead

Soft Shoulder Ahead

Soft Shoulder Ahead

Am just back from a road trip.  During the long drive I listened to way too much talk radio.  Diane Rehm still trying to get a caller with a horrible signing-up for healthcare story.  No one called.  BBC covering the Ukraine uprising over joining the European Union or having Putin cut off their gas supplies […]


18 Apr Posted by in Kate Clinton | Comments Off on ACTIVIAISM



Recently when I went to an eye doctor for floaters, a common vision problem for older people, an assistant asked me if I had ever thought of cosmetic surgery for my droopy lids. In a Kiehl’s store I bought some hand cream and the cashier, in his white faux-doctor jacket, tossed too many packets of […]


12 Feb Posted by in Kate Clinton | Comments Off on The Pope is Pooped!

The Pope is Pooped!

The Pope is Pooped!

OMG! Pope Benedict has announced he will retire on Feb. 28, 2013. When a CEO of a major multinational quits and gives just two weeks’ notice, everybody pricks up their ears. Those who can hear through the deafening and tasteless “Ding dong the witch is dead,” remix are wondering why the sudden papal exit?  Did […]


11 Jan Posted by in Kate Clinton | 1 comment

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

For 2013 I only made one resolution.  It’s bad form to tell you what it is, so I’ll just say that it has something to do with Melissa McCarthy.  Got my fingers crossed. For the Winter Solstice, a friend gave me an engraved cube of burnished lead on which is etched, “Angels fly because they take themselves […]


20 Nov Posted by in Kate Clinton | Comments Off on Obamacare Makes God a Particle

Obamacare Makes God a Particle

Obamacare Makes God a Particle

My little brother, Jim, once won a blue ribbon at a summer science fair. He played a pretaped screech of the opening of our old refrigerator door causing Franklin, his pet hamster to do double time on his hamster wheel, thinking some iceberg lettuce was coming his way. Jim proved Pavlov right, and inadvertently predicted […]


19 Oct Posted by in Kate Clinton | Comments Off on Conspiracy Theory

Conspiracy Theory

Conspiracy Theory

Clinton/Vaid Household Conspiracy Theory #1422, 720am, 10.19.12: That the old CIA dudes from the Bush/Cheney years, the ones Pres Obama has never replaced, are behind the anti-Muslim video which riled everyone up enough to attack the US embassy in Benghazi.  [sidebar: the Grand Opposition Party blocked increased embassy security funds] The old CIA ops then […]


07 Sep Posted by in Kate Clinton | Comments Off on Democratic Convention Recap

Democratic Convention Recap

Democratic Convention Recap

If Sarah Palin asks again, I’m doing pretty good with “that hopey changey thing”.  I watched the Democratic Convention on CSPAN with USOpen breaks, except on opening night of football and that night there was some partisan bickering for clicker dominance. The Dems threw a good convention.  After the White Party the GOP threw in […]


06 Sep Posted by in Kate Clinton | Comments Off on GOP Convention Recap

GOP Convention Recap

GOP Convention Recap

Really I don’t think I could have handled four nights of the GOP convention in Tampa. Thank goodness I was able to flip between tennis and the convention: The USOpen, The USClosed, US open, US closed. It was like being in some horrible comedy club – Tampa’s Yuck Yuck [as in icky] Comedy Cellar. The […]