The rotten apple spoils his companion – Benjamin Franklin I am sitting around a restaurant table with several friends, sharing tales of our worst relationship ever. The stories, including my own, are of verbal and physical abuse, infidelity, drama, inappropriate boundaries with other women, lying, emotionally pushing away and then pulling back in, and more. […]
Valentine’s Day is approaching, and that’s a mixed blessing.  If you don’t have a lover, you can feel like a loser.  If you have a partner who’s no longer a lover–you’ve drifted into asexual “friendshipâ€â€“you may feel a painful loss of passion.  Even if you have a lover, you may feel stressed about getting the […]
Amidst Seattle’s recent comeback win over Green Bay, I’m reminded how very much we all love a comeback story. I explore dating as a comeback story in my blog this month. For me, as a woman over 40, online dating was a turning point in my own comeback. However, I quickly realized that online dating […]
I sit across the bar table from a friend one Sunday afternoon, surrounded by TV screens showing football games. “I don’t know how to date,†she tells me, exasperated. I shove a tortilla chip in my mouth, not surprised the conversation has turned to dating. I nod in agreement and offer, “If you think about […]
My first thought is “Why should you?†What’s wrong with indulging in fantasies for an unavailable woman? After all, that’s how romantic relationships start, with that lovely combination of attraction, desire to be close, and poignant longing. This wonderful  woman seems to embody love and passion. In the beginning, she’s a fantasy, and it’s like […]
It happened one leisurely Sunday. My girlfriend at the time and I had spent the day at the spa, a peace offering for an ongoing argument. We were joking around and then, just like that. She punched me in the arm. And in that moment it was if all of the years of dating, all […]
Dear Dr. Glenda: My partner and I are arguing a lot about our sex life. We don’t really have one, except maybe a couple times in the past year. She thinks we should work on this, but when I talk to my friends they aren’t having much sex either. Sex has never been that big […]
Dear Dr. Corwin: My (lesbian) partner and I had a complete blowout last weekend, and now she says she’s done. She was angry because I’d just gotten back from a long trip, and for the first 24 hours I was home I just was into settling back, catching up on work, enjoying being home–but she […]
What’s a very common refrain you hear when you ask a lesbian about her sex life? “Once we get started, I love it!†Actually, you hear a version of that about a lot of things, not just sex. “I didn’t want to go to that party, but once I got there I had a great […]
What makes me think I could start clean slated? The hardest to learn was the least complicated – Indigo Girls I sit, along with four married/partnered girlfriends, at a table in a bar, in between happy hour and the late hours reserved for the young ones and notice we are all talking about the same […]
Hang on, it's going to be a wild ride!
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