Collectively, we get angry about hate speech particularly that which is specific to color, gender or sexual orientation, etc. We even confront those who do it. Although they are just words, it’s the intent we take issue with…rightly so. We know words are used as weapons. In our LGBT world using words like “dyke†or […]
Hi my name is Terri… not BUTCH!!! I know this because the birth certificate that my parents received when I was born indicates this. All my teachers from grade school through high school called me Terri. My drivers license and military identification all indicate I am Terri. So when I hear “Butch” being yelled at […]
For Mary Helen Lynch (12.1.47-1.27.2011) “Real art has the capacity to make us nervous.”–Susan Sontag Inspired by Robin Lowey’s moving essay about the late great Lynnly Labovitz, together with Vicki Randle’s piece about so charming and alarming a “warrior woman” as Lynnly clearly was, I determined to honor Mary and bear witness to her most […]
For Mary H. Lynch (12.1.47-1.27.2011) And you were always my sister… This is not my body, this frozen ground; no, my body is a field of flowers waking. This is not my body, this drifting wood; my body is a splitting sea, all brine magic and wingspan. Not mine, not mine, this haunted ruin that […]
Why do I rodeo? What made me want to wrestle steers? How in the world did I choose to do THAT activity? People not involved in the western lifestyle want to know. And, my answer is simply “Why not?” Let me explain this first: I did not grow up around livestock or on a ranch or farm. […]
I am busy. Very busy. I feel like I am producing comedy shows almost 24/7. I just finished Titanic The Musical as an actress, to take a break from comedy – but the money was so bad, I have to double my efforts now to get back what I lost taking my break. I totally […]
In 1973 I wanted a haircut. Maybe it was 1974. I was in kindergarten. My hair was long, always in pony tails and a part of me that didn’t seem to fit right. I wanted short hair. Not quite like a boy but not quite like a girl. I wanted something in between. Something that […]
I felt attracted to girls at a very young age. I came from a large family in the Lake Minnetonka area of the Twin Cities and every morning in summer we kids were released after breakfast to explore the neighborhood around the lake. I would often be alone, preferring to fish on the dock by […]
Brought together by an idea for a documentary by Marina Rice Bader, and shot by Andrea Meyerson and her crew, a fabulous group of women gathered in Mid-July at the lovely home Marina shares with partner Nicole Conn. The gang was all there: Elaine Sturgess, Shirin Papillon, Cathy Brooks, Fontessa de Ridder, Barbara Niven, Melanie […]
In a rare appearance Saturday, celebrity photographer Adam Bouska and the NOH8 campaign set up at the Seattle Renaissance Hotel in an afternoon of photography, drinks and catching up. Symbolizing voices silenced by California’s Proposition 8 and similar legislation around the world Adam added the faces Hot Flash Inferno founder Pauline Miriam, Joyce Schiltz, Inferno […]
Hang on, it's going to be a wild ride!
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