December is the month of Jupiter ruled Sagittarius: jovial, philosophical, moral, talkative, optimistic, and outdoorsy. The first weekend starts big, mirroring the expansive nature of Sagittarius. On the 1st day, impatient Mars in Libra opposes unpredictable Uranus in impulsive Aries around 2am (25 degrees), just as the bars close, which will be felt most strongly […]
Do the right thing! Buy gifts from our lesbian sisters. Here are EPOCHALIPS’ TOP TEN PICKS of lesbian owned and operated businesses where you can find that special gift online for your pals, lovers and yes, even your pets. We LOVE this book: GAME CHANGERS- LESBIANS YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT  from Epochalips books. It’s not too late […]
I used to blame my tendency to be drawn to women who were vaguely disinterested in me on my first love, a boy I met just before college. Before I knew I was a lesbian, he was my Dawson’s Creek boyfriend, innocently hanging out together one summer, dealing with the drama of dysfunctional families, not […]
Oh jeepers! I was wearing a red dress. I’d forgotten that everything in Sardi’s is red or maroon. The walls, the banquettes, the seats, the menus, the awning outside. As I worried about how to get out of my red dress without being noticed, Juliana came through the door, stepping feather-light on Sardi’s maroon carpet. […]
Though Scorpio time began October 23rd, November starts out at the peak of the lunar cycle, the Full Moon in Taurus (12 degrees), the opposite sign of Scorpio Friday night November 3rd. They are both fixed signs, so there’s likely to be choices that may not be easy. The Scorpio season is a time to […]
Why do Gays and Lesbians love Halloween so? Celebrating Halloween was a longstanding tradition in my family growing up in Northern California. As a child I was allowed to run free—dressed as a monster or in some sort of boy-themed costume. Candy was like money, a commodity that involved trading and counting. The joy lasted […]
When I first agreed to go into the classroom as a volunteer speaker for Spectrum, Marin’s LGBT Center, I was terrified. What in the world did I have to say that would make a difference to these kids? I stood up there for the first time and looked into the faces of 20 teenage kids […]
October is the month of Libra. One of the two months of the year when the emphasis, astrologically, is on relationships. Libra is other centered, and classically much happier in a relationship than not. Though Libra will “go to the ends of the earth†to make a relationship work, she is by no means a […]
In my personal quest to affirm sexual intimacy for lesbian couples, I keep hearing “Why?†If two women aren’t having sex, and both are okay with that, why is there a problem? Maybe sex just isn’t that important to them. Well, yes, if this were true, it would be true. There is no rule that […]
I love butches! Most of all, I respect them. Unlike their femme counterparts, they don’t get to pass. As a self-proclaimed out lesbian femme aggressive top — TMI — I was teased once by a very butch girlfriend that she didn’t want to go around with me because everyone would know that she was gay! […]
Hang on, it's going to be a wild ride!
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