When I left San Francisco for my Wild Rainbow African Safari adventure three years ago, I had no idea what was in store for me —Driving through several townships with a man who grew up during Apartheid and stopping to have tea with his friends, surfing fun waves in Muizenburg across from the great white shark museum, being invited a dinner party with local […]
“I thought I was the only one,†the stranger said in a low voice. It wasn’t 1957, or even 1977. It was last week, at the grand opening of a supermarket in town. He was gray-haired, tall, dressed like a ranch hand. His smile was sheepish, his eyes conspiratorial. He wasn’t talking about finding a […]
In honor of National Coming Out Day, I want to share with you my upcoming book project entitled  Game Changers – Twenty Lesbians You Should Know About, which features women over 50 who came out early in their lives and made significant contributions to LGBTQ Culture. It’s a richly designed collection of biographies and defining moments, colorful illustrated timelines and major […]
I kneel down and fasten the timing chip neatly to my running shoe, stand up and take in the pack of runners around me. Hands on my hips, I take a breath. It occurs to me that I’m about to run 13.1 miles and I may not be sufficiently trained. As I stretch, I recall […]
Do you have an “Affectional Preference for Female Companionship”? Hey, world, big news! Gay people are more than our sexuality. I am really, really tired of the focus on the third syllable of the term homosexual. It’s annoyed me for fifty-four years that I am defined by one part of my humanity. Please tell me why, […]
Soon after a wonderful woman comes into your life, you may notice a phenomenon unique to our lesbian world.  She’s still good friends with her ex-partner, and likes to hang out with her and include her in friend gatherings. We have a lot of mixed feelings about this. On the one hand, it’s wonderful to […]
“I have appreciated your friendship, but don’t think I can be friends anymore.â€Â My directness, combined with my odd word choice surprises me, even as I hear myself speaking them aloud to a friend (now formerly known as). We part on civil terms and I’m proud of our adult-like recognition that this friendship isn’t working anymore. […]
Each year I make it a point to watch the latest LGBT documentaries. Some of the most intriguing, informative and eye opening films emerge from the world of the documentary filmmaker. The best of 2016 will surely encourage all of us to get on Netflix, go to You Tube, check out Amazon and Wolfe Video. […]
Dear Battleaxe, I live in San Francisco and take public transportation to work. The afternoon trains are crowded and smelly. What can I do about the bad smelling people on the evening trains? Dear PT Advocate, Good for you for taking public transportation! Less cars on the road! Crowded buses or trains are not fun. Just […]
From my very first Epochalips post in June 2010: “This is the day I’ve been waiting for. This is the day I’ve been working toward. This day is the culmination of all I’ve ever done, said, thought, dreamed of, hoped for and planned. It is here, it is real, and it is mine now. It’s […]
Hang on, it's going to be a wild ride!
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