Packing for a trip is painful. It’s equivalent to shopping for bras—you gotta do it, there’s a lot of huffing and puffing and eventually your nipples get pinched—and not in a good way. It takes me all day to pack. I put stuff in my suitcase then I take stuff out. I try on clothes […]
In Col. Grethe Cammermeyer’s own words: If you saw the film, SERVING IN SILENCE, you know about my challenge of the military’s anti-gay policy prior to the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell law of 1993. If you read my autobiography, also entitled, SERVING IN SILENCE, written with Chris Fisher, and published in 1994 you “got the […]
When GILDA, Diane and I pulled into Philadelphia, a city I’d visited regularly in the 1980s, it was like coming home. (Fortunately this was weeks ahead of the Democratic National Convention!) We stayed in a lovely B & B, The Alexander Inn, on Spruce St; just around the corner from the store where I was reading: […]
In 1944 war raged across Europe. Turmoil reigned throughout the world and America lived in fear and sorrow as the stories of ethnic cleansing and city destruction became our newspaper headlines. I start with this as my prelude to answering the question “Why support women and lesbians creating films when our world is in such […]
I am sitting on my office floor, old journals and photos spread around me. For the past hour, I have been reading my diaries from two decades ago to remind me of who I am and perhaps to provide a little perspective. As I sip wine and read about the events and feelings of my […]
After the breakup of a long term relationship, Margery Kreitman finds herself addicted to Facebook. Kicking Facebook is her serio-comic monologue that tells the story of her love/hate relationship with social media. Here is what Margery told us about her show: WHY I WROTE THIS PIECE I wanted to do this piece because so much of my life and the lives […]
So here I am, trying on men’s dress pants for the Golden Crown Literary Society Awards ceremony, and I keep thinking of the photos of our people in Orlando. They dressed up too in their best freedom clothes, also anticipating an evening of togetherness. I’m grateful to be alive and able to gather with other […]
Earlier this month, I had the unique opportunity to attend a two-day summit on gender equality issues for women working in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics). The presenters were women in prominent leadership positions at GE, Coca-Cola, Google, LinkedIn and Pixar, government agencies such as the U.S. Navy and NASA as well as some […]
The key word in this title is “Decide† This is different from “get swept away,†“fall into bed,† “go with the flow,†or other versions of the fantasy that sexual desire just overcomes you and suddenly,  spontaneously, there you are!  To decide is to be intentional, and responsible, about a significant step in a new […]
Of all the southern cities Atlanta is the one I’ve visited most. It’s got wonderful universities, peaches and Coca Cola (I know, not correct but it’s been my fave since I was a kid!). I attended the very first conference on Black Speculative Fiction writers at Clark Atlanta University more than a decade ago and […]
Hang on, it's going to be a wild ride!
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