It’s a balmy summer Sunday in Omaha, in 1974, and my dad and his new, Liz Taylor-look-a-like wife load up the neighborhood kids into our two Kingswood Estate station wagons. There are 14 of us in all, including my three new step-siblings. During my short visit, I’ve already fallen hopelessly in love with Jack, the […]
It would have been my friend Lynnly’s 62nd birthday yesterday, June 13th, had she survived her long battle with breast cancer. She was the funniest, silliest, corniest, as well as the most intractable, capricious, argumentative and infuriating person I have ever known. Even when she got serious about things, she was rarely introspective, instead spending […]
The only information I had on old gay people when I came out was that we were doomed to be alone and thus miserable. Oh, and lesbians would have leathery skin while gay men would become pitiful predators. At least, that’s how old perverts were portrayed in the pulps, and in non-fiction about criminology and […]
Forgive me for paraphrasing David Sedaris, but we have a point in common. Isn’t everybody tired of advice, lesbian relationship advice and more advice, and isn’t it time to laugh a bit? Advice from counselors is a funny thing: I sometimes think it’s silly to give advice: how to be happy, how to be rich, […]
It’s true. I start watching for the Frameline Film Festival and the Outfest Film Festival catalogues to arrive starting now. Both are filled with over 100 pages of film showings that take place in about a 10 day window of time. Last week I received the Frameline catalogue and joy of joys, two films I […]
I kicked off the book tour for the new 25th anniversary edition of THE GILDA STORIES with two readings in historic places. First at City Lights Books (publisher of this new edition) in North Beach. It’s the literary home of the Beat Poets and artists such as Jack Hirschman, Bob Kaufman, Allen Ginsberg, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, […]
Lesbian Comic Poppy Champlin is Back! I loved watching the old comics on TV— Flip Wilson, Johnny Carson, Red Skelton, Jackie Gleason and the Honeymooners and Lucy, I loved Lucy. I would watch that all the time, and The Three Stooges. I wasn’t a big fan of the Marx Brothers I think their humor went […]
Q. My problem with dating is that I don’t know how to end it.  Last time I went out with someone, I knew after the first date that I wasn’t attracted to her…but she acted so interested and I didn’t want to hurt her feelings, so I went out with her for several weeks. We […]
In my 67 years I have learned many things and have gained some good old-fashioned common sense. Send your questions to me ‘Ask a Battle Axe’ at Dear Battleaxe, Every time I go to dances for us older gals I see women who are clearly over 50, dancing like fools, sometimes grinding with 3 […]
Many people in the LGBQ community struggle with fear, anxiety, and depression.  According to NAMI, The National Alliance on Mental Illness, LGBTQ individuals are almost 3 times more likely than others to experience a mental health condition such as major depression or generalized anxiety disorder. Seeking treatment is very important, but sometimes, it can be […]
Hang on, it's going to be a wild ride!
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