Since I came out as a lesbian twenty-five years ago I have had a plethora of statements and questions about me that no one ever would have stated when they assumed I was straight. In the beginning, I got the proverbial, “I never would have guessed you were a lesbian†and the “Gee, you don’t […]
What’s a very common refrain you hear when you ask a lesbian about her sex life? “Once we get started, I love it!†Actually, you hear a version of that about a lot of things, not just sex. “I didn’t want to go to that party, but once I got there I had a great […]
Brave new world of e-publishing: We changed the title of our book. Not while we were writing it, not prior to publication, not before anyone had caught sight of the original title and cover. The book had been out in the world and circulating, physically and electronically; we’d read it from it at public events, […]
brutally, I will miss it our innocent bloodletting your busy handsome fingers casually blasé but playing heated games of yes and no whispering I want you take me against the wall take me with a secret gesture take me speeding on the freeway take me teasing talking dirty take me bathed in sweetness take me […]
Being lesbian is a religion. It’s feast, fast or famine. It’s on our knees begging at the altar between her knees. It’s our tribe, our gaggle of gay girls and our fighting to be included in some social club, meetup, Facebook Group, marriage rights, equal rights and more or hiding in social awkwardness afraid of […]
What makes me think I could start clean slated? The hardest to learn was the least complicated – Indigo Girls I sit, along with four married/partnered girlfriends, at a table in a bar, in between happy hour and the late hours reserved for the young ones and notice we are all talking about the same […]
Calling All You Bastards, the Fatherless, the Forgotten. “Do you want to write your father?†My mother asked on the 33rd birthday. I didn’t have an immediate reply and she continued, “I have an address for him in Guyana.†My last memory: I’m three years old. He came for a visit and I remember the […]
NOW OPEN! SCARLET CITY ESPRESSO BAR 3960 Adeline St. in Emeryville. What Feminism Means to Jen: Being a Feminist has definitely changed meaning for me over the years. I started off being a liberal feminist, but I always had radical leanings. During the 90′s, when I was in my 20′s, the movie “I Shot Andy […]
A friend posted a short, yet brilliant, note to her child self today that made me think. We all could benefit from writing to our young selves. It seems the things that bother me most now, or have since childhood, might not have had as much power over me if I just had a chance […]
It is the burning question on every burning lip nowadays. These are the results of an exhaustive survey. Serious students may wish to take notes. What makes a woman sexy: It is a matter of taste, spread out like a picnic; it unravels in stages like a blossoming open; it is all full moon and […]
Hang on, it's going to be a wild ride!
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