To meet Nicole Conn is to love her. She has been always been big fan of Epochalips, and in 2011, when she invited me down to her movie set in LA while she was filming A Perfect Ending, I jumped at the opportunity. I was welcomed with a warm hug, (managed to catch some amazing […]
(A response to Trayvon Martin and a beautifully articulated piece written by Vicki Randle) That ‘LOOK’. Yeah, the one that alternatively means ‘Uh, you have GOT to be joking that you are walking up in here thinking you can be a part of this; or: ‘You’ve lost your way little lady, let me help you […]
Dog Ear Audio, the first lesbian audio book publisher, was founded 2008. Many years earlier, when I first discovered lesbian fiction writing, I was thrilled when three or four print books could be purchased yearly. Now, thankfully, there are more publishers and titles in existence than I could ever have imagined. What did not exist, […]
One of my favorite shows is Sex In The City because to me it is honest and truthful about women today and their friendships. Their story lines were funny and outrageous, but at the same time relate-able. My best friend from college lives around the corner from me. I’m gay and she is straight. I think […]
Same-sex marriage comes to the UK! Diana would have been so proud. The Queen’s approval was the final formality necessary for this bill to become law. The new law enables gay couples to get married in both civil and religious ceremonies in England and Wales, provided that the religious institution consents. The Church of England, […]
When I first heard Elton John sing “You Gotta Love Someone†I remembered an incident of TMM (Temporary Moment of Maturity).  I’d been worrying about whether someone I cared for deeply reciprocated my feelings.  Then I realized that what really mattered the most, what would last forever with me, was that I’d let myself love […]
DOMA, the “Defense of Marriage Act,†should have been a bad joke instead of a law the Supreme Court finally declared unconstitutional this week (June 26,2013). But it wasn’t a joke, and neither was my marriage of 31 years to a woman whom I legally married one week before Prop. 8 got viciously overturned four […]
Being a Feminist has definitely changed meaning for me over the years. I started off being a liberal feminist, but I always had radical leanings. During the 90’s, when I was in my 20’s, the movie “I Shot Andy Warhol” came out, and my bandmates and I really got into S.C.U.M. and sort of worshipped […]
As a proud owner of Olivia, I enjoy “VIP” status when I travel to places Olivia charters. Once a year I indulge a lovely habit of going with a friend for a restful time—off season in a half empty hotel on some magnificent tropical beach without Olivia. I am always ambivalent to go without the […]
I met some friends this morning at a breakfast restaurant in Berkeley I had been to once before. It’s a delightful little place with high quality dishes and what appears to be a somewhat high-end clientele, normally a place I really enjoy patronizing, as I’m a bit of a foodie. The first time I noticed […]
Hang on, it's going to be a wild ride!
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