In the early 1980s, Merril Mushroom wrote BAR DYKES, a one act play about the gay bar culture of the 1950s.
Happy Birthday Lynn! Thank you for teaching me how to live and how to die without fear about what’s next. I just wish you were still here to share it with me.
Pride Comedy Night will feature a very funny, diverse, eclectic, multicultural line up of LGBT comedians from the SF Bay Area and LA
Advertising culture has come a long way since the Madmen days when I stayed deep in the closet at a major San Francisco ad agency in order to keep my job.
NCLR in the post Kate Kendell era. I’m guessing we were all a bit apprehensive and yet, after last weekend’s Gala, I think there was a collective sigh of relief.
There are no bloodlines connecting one gay generation to the next, the grand-lesbian culture to the great grand-lesbians.
As a lesbian feminist at aged 70 I’ve been at or near the front lines since I was 16 years old; and I haven’t stopped since then...
Those of us who were seduced and abused as children know that even as we thrive we are scarred for more
April is the month of Aries, fiery, impatient, impulsive, in a hurry, the adventurer, full of energy and enthusiasm and quick to anger...
However it comes about, first dates are fraught with uncertainty. What is one to do?
Hang on, it's going to be a wild ride!
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