Whatever you plan…it happens…if you’re lucky. I have my Medicare card and as much gray hair as any women in my family ever had. So going to the July gathering of OLOC (Old Lesbians Organizing for Change) in Oakland was both unnerving and inspiring. OLOC, founded in 1989, is the only organization devoted to old […]
I recently went to hear a conversation between feminist icons Gloria Steinem and Letty Cotten Pogrebin and felt lucky that they were still around to reflect on from whence we’ve come. Both in their seventies, have survived cancer and were discussing how to care for loved ones who are ill without becoming a pain in […]
I grew up in Boston so I’ve been drinking tea since I was about 10 years old. My great grandmother used to sip from a Brown Betty tea pot that perched on the back of the stove all day! I love sitting down to a ‘cuppa,’ as they say in Great Britain, especially with a […]
Hang on, it's going to be a wild ride!
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