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Eleanor Palacios  // Posts tagged as "Eleanor Palacios"

A Battle Axe Valentine

A Battle Axe Valentine

Dear Battleaxe, Valentines Day is coming up, I’m single, and of course feeling the pressure of all this couple bullshit, romantic dinners, you know—all the Hallmark moments. It just makes me miserable, I don’t know what to do. Dear Miserable, Valentines Day is just another day on the calendar, in 24 hours it is over. […]


29 Dec Posted by in Ask a Battle-axe | Comments Off on No Kissing at Midnight!

No Kissing at Midnight!

No Kissing at Midnight!

Dear Battleaxe, I am going to a New Years Party where there will be people I certainly don’t want to kiss at midnight—or any other time. Any suggestions? Dear Party Pooper, There are a number of things you can do, but let’s start with these: 1. Don’t go to the party 2. At 11:59 bite […]


Best Coffee in San Francisco

Best Coffee in San Francisco

Cup of Joe, Java, Jamoke, Mud… Call it what you want, we all know it as coffee and whatever that may be, we all love to enjoy it. Why did coffee become something we do on the run?  Is it the caffeine? After going to Costa Rica and visiting a coffee plantation, I understand all […]


20 Jul Posted by in Ask a Battle-axe | Comments Off on Twirling Nipples and Grunting at the Gym

Twirling Nipples and Grunting at the Gym

Twirling Nipples and Grunting at the Gym

In my 61 years I have learned many things and have some good old-fashioned common sense. Send your questions to Dear Battleaxe,  I’m always looking at porn at work. I know it is wrong but the thrill of getting caught adds to my excitement and makes my nipples twirl. Should I lock my office […]


25 May Posted by in Ask a Battle-axe | Comments Off on The Rapture and the Big “O”

The Rapture and the Big “O”

The Rapture and the Big “O”

Dear Battleaxe, May 21st 2011 came and went with no Rapture. The 21st was supposed to be Judgement Day. I really didn’t believe anything was going to happen but I did make sure my affairs were in order and I went to confession. What do you think happened? —Always prepared Dear Always Prepared, The only […]


17 Apr Posted by in Ask a Battle-axe | Comments Off on Hairballs, Hot Flashes & A Girlfriend in a Bubble

Hairballs, Hot Flashes & A Girlfriend in a Bubble

Hairballs, Hot Flashes & A Girlfriend in a Bubble

In my 61 years I have learned many things and have some good old-fashioned common sense. Send your questions to Dear Battle Axe, I have been going to the Hot Flash dance parties  for the mature, seasoned woman—I’m 65. More than once,  young, beautiful women in their 30’s have flirted with me. They say […]


09 Apr Posted by in Robin Lowey | Comments Off on A Mulligan for NCLR

A Mulligan for NCLR

A Mulligan for NCLR

A mulligan—not to be confused with a mullet—most simply put, is a “do-over,” if you hit a bad shot in the sport of golf. Mulligans were popping up everywhere at the “Lina Shore Golf Classic” charity event that ran concurrently with the famous lesbian-filled Dinah Shore weekend extravaganza and the Kraft Nabisco professional woman’s golf […]


22 Mar Posted by in Ask a Battle-axe | Comments Off on Bathroom Etiquette, Zen Like Ways & Hoarders

Bathroom Etiquette, Zen Like Ways & Hoarders

Bathroom Etiquette, Zen Like Ways & Hoarders

In my 61 years I have learned many things and have some good old-fashioned common sense. Send your questions to Dear Battle Axe, On many occasions while visiting friends, I have had to use their restroom. More than once after doing my business I see that they do not have any toilet paper. Luckily […]


Marga & the Battle Axe Do the Taco Taste Test

Marga & the Battle Axe Do the Taco Taste Test

A lot of people I know have never tried eating at a Taco Truck. It makes me wonder, do they question the quality? Do they hate to eat standing up? Is the term ‘Roach Coach’ lurking in the recesses of their mind? Where have they been? Street food is all the rage.  Hellooooo, don’t they […]


28 Jan Posted by in Eleanor Palacios | Comments Off on Gyms, Sweat & Hairless Private Parts

Gyms, Sweat & Hairless Private Parts

Gyms, Sweat & Hairless Private Parts

In my 61 years I have learned many things and have some good old-fashioned common sense. Send your questions to Dear Battleaxe,   I go to Bikram Yoga and I always shower there because I sweat like a pig. Last time I was there, we were all naked and a woman looks over at […]