The psychological thriller Black Swan is all the buzz with the “lesbian sex scene†between its stars Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis. Well yeah, everybody wants to see pretty young women getting it on with each other—even Republicans. I must hand it to Ms. Portman for delivering a solid performance as a bony young woman […]
I was almost six — I desperately wanted to taste India again. The bottle of gripe tonic water sat next to Dad’s 4711 Cologne on top of the large tansu (Japanese/bureau) in mom and dad’s bedroom. I stared at it. The tonic was very precious, it was the only thing that calmed my baby brother’s colic. […]
In my 61 years I have learned many things and have some good old-fashioned common sense. Send your questions to Dear Battle axe, I was traveling through California recently and I happened to see a woman sporting a mullet. You know, business in front and a party in back. How is it possible that […]
I went into my son’s freshman high school class last week as a member of the Spectrum’s LGBT Speaker’s Bureau to help dispel myths about LGBT people and to educate them about the consequences of teen bullying by sharing my story. It was 8:00 am and the kids just stared blankly, with their mouths agape. […]
In my 61 years I have learned many things and have some good old-fashioned common sense. Send your questions to Dear Battle Axe, Do you think most people are honest about their weight on their driver’s license or on any other official documents? Weightless in Woodside Dear Weightless, I would say as honest as […]
This is the day I’ve been waiting for. This is the day I’ve been working toward. This day is the culmination of all I’ve ever done, said, thought, dreamed of, hoped for and planned. It is here, it is real, and it is mine now. It’s not exactly like I might have imagined, yet in […]
Hang on, it's going to be a wild ride!
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