I am a freelance court reporter. Yesterday, only moments after confirming an assignment with my regular firm for the following day, an 11:00 a.m. hearing at a prominent SF law firm, I got a text message from someone who needed a reporter in Truckee. Damn! It always happens that way. I could have taken that […]
It has been twenty years since that Year of the Woman thing. No one would ever tell who she was. And they announced it in late June, so it wasn’t even a full year. At only three months into the year, I propose we name this year The Year of the Woman Legislator (YOWL). I […]
Today is March 8th, International Women’s Day. Can’t you smell the estrogen in the air? I swear to god, I’m going to start my period any second. International women, I say we stand side by side creating a woman chain across the globe wearing nothing but our sports bras, pajama bottoms and sensible shoes. Let […]
When Angelina Jolie walked out on stage at the 84th Academy Awards show and sexily whipped out her right leg from the thigh high slit on her Versace dress, the internet exploded with taunts about her exaggerated leg pose and a Twitter account popped up called: AngiesRightLeg. As for me, I wanted to slap BBQ […]
Dede, I met you last year at the fabulous Hip Chicks Out event in San Diego. I hear you are partnering with HCO founder Silke Reuthlinger to put on some fabulous events at this year’s Final Four in Denver, what do you have going on that weekend? DF: The SWISH Women’s Slam Dunk Weekend, a series […]
I knew it was eventually going to catch up with me. No, not my middle age flab—jury duty. I had successfully evaded my citizen responsibility for 3 decades. I guess my excuses over the years were believable: I didn’t get my allowance this week. My tummy hurts. My panties are itchy. On January 5, 2012, […]
Sarah, we love The Seattle Lesbian and enjoy your “Top News” daily emails. Tell us a bit about your background and how you got started in online media. ST: Thank you for reading The Seattle Lesbian and for sharing those kind words. Looking back, I cannot say there was ever a time when I did […]
A couple of years ago some women put together a program celebrating Audre Lorde and Pat Parker and I had the pleasure of doing some remembering out loud in front of about 1000 people. They were almost all women, those who knew the two writers mostly through their work. But Audre had been my friend…we […]
Gratitude. It’s such a simple thing…and yet. I’ve discovered after making several films and working with so many different kinds of people (‘cuz you all know us artist types are whack jobs – or as I prefer to call it: elegantly flawed in our humanity!) that no matter what you THINK you have control over […]
Here in Florida, our daffodils are coming up. No blooms yet, but I have high hopes we’ll have a chorus line of yellow dancing in the breeze come Valentine’s Day. Back in the big bad 1970s, Valentine’s Day was not so popular in my lesbian-feminist crowd. It was another capitalist ploy to get us to […]
Hang on, it's going to be a wild ride!
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