I came to live in the US some 25 years ago, in the earnest belief that there would be no racism in my new country; I believed that this America was the greatest and most free place on earth. Clearly my impression stemmed from the context of an apartheid South Africa and an America subscribing to economic […]
Why do Gays and Lesbians love Halloween so? Celebrating Halloween was a longstanding tradition in my family growing up in Northern California. As a child I was allowed to run free—dressed as a monster or in some sort of boy-themed costume. Candy was like money for us, a commodity that involved trading and counting. The […]
I am 63 today and I am involved in a passionate relationship with a 41-year old woman. Being a lesbian is still about holding a space for woman-loving in my personal and public life. It is still about the heady first kiss-this time between two women on a moonlit Hebridean beach. It is about the […]
Hang on, it's going to be a wild ride!
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